Monday, January 23, 2012

We've been enjoying our kitchen since we moved in before Christmas, and we haven't been doing too much to the rest of the house lately in favor of smaller organizing projects.  However, that changed tonight because Jeff hung the angel in the front doorway.  I love it!

I'm so glad that he did this for me.  One less box taking up residence here, and one more in the recycle bin:-)  It was kinda funny while he was working on this--I was on the phone with a good friend and Jeff held the peaceful angel in his arms while he was uttering curse words.  It was a stark contrast, and it made me giggle.  Apparently the hanging holes on the back of the statue were too small for the screws,  so he had to be creative and modify it.  Jeff rocks!

Now all we have to do is paint that wall and add a new front door and arched molding around the archway into the adjoining room... a neverending list:-)